Monday, February 4, 2008

Where are all your assignments?

Yeah, I'm not sure. This semester has been pretty easy so far. A bit of light reading... but nothing too earth shattering.

I have a paper for Thursday due for my New Testament class (Which is significantly better than my OT class was... Sorry Erickson, but you're boring!).

So, in the mean time... here are a couple of things for my Speech class.

Introductory Speech (SPC120). It is only an outline... I don't have audio of my actual speech.

Bonus Assignment (SPC120)
. I had to relay notes on a speaker that I heard publicly for some bonus credit. While I nailed my actual speech, I apparently have problems memorizing vocabulary terms. Grrr. I'm still fairly confident that I will do well in this class.

I have probably had the most homework from my Math class... But, I'm not going to make scans of that or anything crazy for you. How about I simply relay my test scores. I have a major one coming up Thursday.

I went to the Faith and International Development Conference this past weekend at Calvin College in Grand Rapids. It was good stuff. Maybe another post to follow... for now, I need some sleep.

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