Thursday, May 24, 2007

The Third Way.

Maybe, as followers of Jesus, we are called to be people of the third way. People who transcend categories, stereotypes, and extremes. People who are not owned by one ideology, perspective, or party. People who rise above polarization to find creative, compelling ways to bring bits of heaven to earth.
[taken from ben irwin]

This is a bit of a fresh perspective on a well known verse for me. (Matthew 5:39-41).

Thanks Ben.

I head down to Elgin tonight to hang with some ITeamers. This morning/afternoon will be spent with Stacie Shopp sightseeing in the city here.

Thoughts of Revolution still bounce in my head.


Matthew said...

Hey Man,

Have a blast and make sure to say hi to Matt Hanlon if you get a chance!


Stacy said...

So..does this mean you won't be here on Sunday?