Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Same thing, two weeks later...


I was no good at updating the last couple of weeks. Even after I was critical on another's blog! Guilty. Flog me in the street!

Last week or ealier:
- Worked the PlanetWisdom Conference while it was in town. (I flirted with some girls from Bethany College of Missions, they tried to recruit me... I decided I am very happy at Judson - now, if I could just work out that flirting thing at JU... hmmm)
- House sat for my boss, she has three dogs, one of which requires medication 3 times daily. I am allergic to one of those dogs at least. More reason I don't like pets.
- Fall Break came and went.
- Got Under The Overpass by Mike Yankowski. He was here at Judson for "Spiritual Enrichment Week." More on that to come... I guarantee.
- Finished up Exiles by Michael Frost. << href="http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Halo3/Default.aspx?player=djjubei1">Here is the proof (although, my actual exp is way behind on the interwebz. Bungie! My stats are borked - again!).

- Ate at a greasy fast food restaurant called "Jester's" - Got a haircut, and got 4 bucks off the haircut (because it was monday, not because they made an 'accident').
- Learned NEVER to say "Large" at McDonald's. (This also marks the first McDonald's I have had since seeing Super Size Me... I only ordered iced coffee... and it was still wayyyyy more then I was expecting.)
- Got rejected for a library card... For the second time. Thx Gail Borden.
- "Getting an abortion is easier then getting a library card, seriously!" D. Schlager.

Assignments!! Cuz itz THURZDAY... wait... TUEZDAY!


The next one I worked really hard on... and I hope I get a good grade. The link will be updated after final edits, but here it is for review (its due in 13 hours). I better get an A! ... erm... I think my work is worthy of high marks professor... :)
Essay 2 FOR REVIEW "Colonization's Effect on the New World" (HIS262)
Essay 2 FINAL.

I missed a few this past week. I have one more for tomorrow. I will get them all caught up tomorrow night - and maybe a picture of my not-so-new new haircut if you are lucky. I'm tired.

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