Friday, September 14, 2007

On School...

In my last post I put forth and responded to a question of poverty. It was required for my Intro to Sociology class... I wanted to post it here, and I decided to... But, that got me to thinking... I am beginning to write a lot for my various classes. So, that lead me to decide that I am going to publish anything that I write up for a class on Google Docs. Some things are trivial, some things will seem disconnected unless I explain the context of the assignment. I have chosen to publish everything in an ongoing effort to be transparent in all I do, but more importantly... I want your feedback.

Feedback. Below are links to all the articles/papers I've written in the first three weeks of class. Most of them are outlines and one pagers. I have my first extended history paper due in a week. But, I love interaction. You have a viewpoint that is different than my own... but is valuable. Maybe I missed something huge, tell me. Maybe something struck you as funny, tell me. Maybe I am flat out wrong, I pray you tell me.

Out of the six documents below, by far the Poverty one seems the most important one for a discussion. The others are either outlines, or written "as a columnist," which may or may not truly represent me. One specifically (Sept 13th Analysis Paper for HIS480) was written from the perspective of a happily married columnist in the mid-1950's.

In the future, I will put links to new articles/papers in their own posts for easy feedback commenting.

Edgar Outline (HIS480)

Sept 13th Analysis Paper (HIS480)

Sept 6th Document Assignment Chapter 12 (HIS262)

Ribbon Cutting Ceremony Report (MED240)

Edgar Article (MED240)

Poverty Question (SOC151)

In my next post... I promise I will tell you something real. Like... What school I am attending, how things are going, and what the heck HIS480 is and why I am in it. Promise.

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