Saturday, September 22, 2007

I miss Santiago.

I miss this cafe.

I did some work in downtown Elgin Friday morning, we fed some homeless people. I scribbled some thoughts down, but want to work on them a bit more before I get them out to you, dear reader.

I grieve the loss of the cafe tonight. Seriously, my heart aches for that community that once was. I want to take that experiment someplace and plant my life there.

BTW -- [The cafe] is still open... but none of us have heard from the new owners. I talked with someone who goes there occasionally, and she said they have changed it in a few dramatic ways.

I also picked up a book today called Urban Ministry In a New Millennium by David Claerbaut. I got it to try and help me understand the area of ministry I am focusing on for International Teams.

1 comment:

betty said...

And Santiago miss you, and Baileys and Swains...
Terra was IT family and now is only a Cafe, really.
Bueno mi inglé es terrible pero... sólo un saludo y muchos BICOS. Betty